Thursday, July 25, 2013

Script:; Draws "Cone of Uncertainty" for projected storm path using the MFHILO function

As we start to get into the meat of the northern hemisphere Hurricane season, I figured I would release a couple of entries related to hurricanes and tropical storms.  The first of which is a script I recently put together called ""  This script helps plot one of those "uncertainty" cones showing the predicted storm track with potential deviations in it.

Now, I should mention that if you want to just plot the official Hurricane uncertainty cone, you can always read in the shapefile provided here. But, if you want to plot your own uncertainty track this script does a nice job!

Example: Tropical Storm Dorian, 6 day storm track

This script basically uses the MFHILO function to find the storm center, and then draws a cone around the storm track based on your input options for error and everything else.

The example above also uses the 'basemap' script to plot the basemap.  All that is required in the example call is the variable you want to use (in this case,sea level pressure).

    'cone prmslmsl -fill -fcol 2 -circ -error 50 -dunit km -unit day -end 6 -tint 8'

This example uses many of the built in options:
   -fill: Fills cone
   -fcol: Fill color
   -circ: Draws semi-circle on the end
   -error: Radial error in units: dunit/tunit - in this example 50 km/day
   -dunit: Distance unit for error
   -tunit: Time unit for error
   -end: Total number of time-steps to plot
   -tint: Time interval to plot in timesteps.

The example above uses the GFS data (which runs on a 3 hour time step) to plot the cone.  This block of code will produce the above image.


    'sdfopen 'file
    'set display color white'
    'set mpdset hires'
    'set lon -80 1'
    'set lat 5 30'
    'd hgtprs'

    'basemap L 74 1 M'
    'basemap O 45 1 M'

    'printim hurricanebase.png'

    'set t 3'

    'set lat 5 30'
    'set lon -80 1'
    'set clevs 10000000'
    'set ccolor 0'
    'd hgtprs'

    'set map 1'
    'draw map'

    'cone prmslmsl -mnlt 10 -maxlat 25 -mnln -70 -mxln -20 -tunit day -fcol 2'
    'printim ucone.png -b hurricanebase.png -t 0'

The Important thing to note is the use of the maxlat/mnlat/etc... options.  These options define an invisible boundary within your domain for which to search for the storm center, without these you can easily find min values that are not part of your storm, especially with larger domains.  It is recommended that you use these options to help draw your cone.  Also you will need the script and the associated .asc files.

That's about it, here are links to and the example script above!  Hope you all find this useful!  Be sure to report any bugs here!  Stay tuned for a tutorial on plotting numerous model predicted storm tracks on the same plot!


Download example script

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tutorial: Two ways to plot future storm track using the MFHILO function and

This tutorial will show you how to plot a possible storm track extending out from a storm center on RADAR.  This tutorial will show you how to do this using two different methods.  The first (more complicated) method requires the use of and information of a future time steps.  The 2nd (simpler method) does not require, and it only requires information from the current time step.

For both parts of this tutorial, we will use data from the WRF model, as this model outputs both storm motion vectors and RADAR reflectivity.  So, without further delay, lets get started with the 1st method.

Plotting Storm Tracks - Method 1:

As stated, this method is a bit more complicated and requires more effort.  That being said, you can plot more detailed storm tracks using this method over the 2nd.  Before we get started there is one major caveat regarding this method.  Usually, when I write up tutorials I have you access data online through the NOMADS server (by use of the 'sdfopen' command).  Unfortunately, the script requires you have a .ctl file, so accessing the data online through the 'sdfopen' command is not going to work.  Additionally, while it is possible to modify the function to be compatible with the netcdf data, plotting trajectories using online data will take a really, really, really long time.  What I have done, is included a small sample of WRF model data from July 17th 2013, including a .ctl file for you to use as an example.  So unless you have your own model data that includes information regarding storm track and reflectivity, it is recommended you use the data provided here.

Required for method 1:

Now that you have the required files and data, I will briefly describe what we are going to do, and show you the result.  Basically, all we do is plot reflectivity and then use the mfhilo function to find local maxima in reflectivity and use to plot forward trajectories.  The following image serves as an example.

Example of plotted Storm tracks from WRF model using the 1st method

Now, the first thing we will need to do is open the file, and set our basic parameters.

   'open ARW_20120717.ctl'
    'set mpdset hires'
    'set parea 0.5 10.0 0.5 7.5'

At this point we are going to deviate from our main script and open up It is important to open because we need to make a few edits in the code.  First of all, we need to change what reads as its "U" and "V" components.  To do this you need not look further than line 18 in  Here you can set what model variables _U and _V point to.  Since we want storm track, storm motion seems an appropriate variable to me.  So first we need to change the following pieces of code 


Once this is done, we need to make a couple more small edits before we return to the main script (I should note here that it might be wise to save a special version of just for this use).

Basically, we are really only interested in the forward trajectory, so we need to change the threshold used in the while loop that has the variable volta from 2 to 1 (line 40).  This basically only allows the plotting of the forward trajectories instead of both forward and back.

The last small edit that we need to make is on line 46, the one that sets the variable "TM."  Unless you want to plot out the possible trajectory for the ALL time steps (for the sample data here that is 48 hours) you want to change this variable.  I figure 5 hours (or 5 time steps) is long enough, for a trajectory, so I changed this variable to _Tini+5, or the current time + 5 time steps into the future.

So, that does it for our edits to and we are now ready to write out the rest of the script.
For this example, we will choose the 4th time step, so we start by declaring our domain and plotting our variable, if you have you can pick one of the reflectivity color scales, or if not you can set it manually yourself.  This tutorial will use the "Wunder1" option from

    'set t '4
    'set lat 38 49'
    'set lon -80 -65'

   'set gxout shaded'
   'colorset Wunder1'
   'd refcclm'
                 ;*Its assumed you have, if not you shouldn't be reading advanced tutorials.

Now your variable is plotted and we need to find the local maxima of reflectivity.  For this we use the mfhilo function (similar to the tutorial on SLP maps).  However, this time we are only interested in the maxima.  Below is the loop used to find reflectivity maxima, and plot trajectories.

    'mfhilo refcclm CL h 'radius', 'cint



    minmax = sublin(result,i)

    while(check = 'H')
      use_lat = subwrd(minmax, 2)
      use_lon = subwrd(minmax, 3)

      if(mag > 35)
        'q w2xy 'use_lon' 'use_lat
         x_min = subwrd(result,3)
         y_min = subwrd(result,6)
        'set line 0'
        'draw mark 3 'x_min' 'y_min' 0.15'
        'traj 'use_lon' 'use_lat

      minmax = sublin(

Lets break down this loop a little bit.  So, basically you use the mfhilo function to generate a list of maxima in reflectivity.  Then you loop through each data point, save the lat/lon coordinates (using the subwrd() function), and then check the reflectivity value against some threshold value that you pick (in this example: 35dBZ).  If the reflectivity maximum is greater than this value, you run which plots the forward trajectory, if it does not mean this value, than you move on to the next one.

That's all there is too it, you are done with the first method!  Now, you will need to tweak values such as the radius and the contour interval used in the mfhilo function to best fit your requirements, the ones I used in this example provide reasonable results, but you can (and should) experiment with those. 

Now that we have covered the first method, lets start up with the 2nd method.

Plotting Storm Tracks - Method 2:

This method is a little less involved than the first method, and does not require the use of, nor does it require the use of a .ctl file.  So for this part of the tutorial, we will simply use the 'sdfopen' command to grab the required data.  Again, it is recommended you use to help you set up color scales.  Also, unlike the first method you only require the current time step to plot storm tracks.

Similar to the first method, we will use the mfhilo function to find local maxima in the reflectivity field.  Once a maximum is located, instead of using to plot forward trajectories, we will simply take the storm motion at the current time and location, and extrapolate out (in this example 5 hours) from it.  The result is a linear storm track, rather than one that includes curves and bends (image shown below).

Example of plotted storm tracks from the WRF model, using method 2

This image is the same time step used in the first method, and as you can see it doesn't look all that dissimilar from the image above.  However, you do see the loss in curvature in the storm tracks, which is really all you lose when using this method over the 1st method.

In order to writing time, I am going to gloss over this part here, it is more as it is more thoroughly described in the method 1 section.  All I am doing though is opening the file and plotting the variable.

    'set mpdset hires'
    'set parea 0.5 10.0 0.5 7.5'

    'set t '4
    'set lat 38 49'
    'set lon -80 -65'

   'set gxout shaded'
   'colorset Wunder1'
   'd refcclm'
                 ;*Its assumed you have, if not you shouldn't be reading advanced tutorials.

Now, we can get to the bulk of the script.  Again, we are going to use the mfhilo function to find the maxima in the reflectivity field.

    'mfhilo refcclm CL h 'radius', 'cint


    minmax = sublin(result,i)

Now things start to differ from the first method.  What we need to do is basically place a block of code within the loop that loops through each maximum that converts the storm motion into a change in distance (by multiplying it by time/per timestep - 3600 seconds) and then convert the distance into a change in geographic (lat/lon) coordinates.  From there, we just draw marks and lines connecting the dots.  The code below shows this process.


     if(mag > 35)
      'q w2xy 'use_lon' 'use_lat
      x_min = subwrd(result,3)
      y_min = subwrd(result,6)
      'set line 0'
      'draw mark 3 'x_min' 'y_min' 0.15'

      'set lat 'use_lat
      'set lon 'use_lon

      'set gxout print'
      'd ustm6000_0m'
      'd vstm6000_0m'




       'q w2xy 'use_lon' 'use_lat
       x = subwrd(result,3)
       y = subwrd(result,6)
       'set line 2'

       if(x>subwrd(xs,1) & x < subwrd(xs,2) & y > subwrd(ys,1) & y < subwrd(ys,2))
         'draw mark 3 'x' 'y' 0.075'

          if(x>subwrd(xs,1) & x < subwrd(xs,2) & y > subwrd(ys,1) & y < subwrd(ys,2))
             'draw line 'xmin' 'ymin' 'x' 'y




This code represents what you do if your reflectivity value at a given point reaches the minimum threshold required to plot a storm track.  The first thing that you do is set the latitude/longitude to the point of interest.  Then using the 'set gxout print' command, you grab the U and V storm motion vectors.  Once you do this, you calculate the dx/dy per time step variables (dx_pert/dy_pert) by multiplying the storm motion by the seconds/time step.  This represents basically the distance you would travel in x/y at this speed in one time step.  Now that you have this information, things become pretty simple.  You merely draw a mark at the current location using the 'q w2xy' command to convert lat/lon coordinates to page coordinates.  Then, you calculate the "future" lat/lon coordinate pair by using the dx_pert/dy_pert and some global geometry to convert physical distance to changes in latitude and longitude.  A couple of conditional statements in there help you regulate when to draw lines/marks.  It is also important that you ensure the page coordinates of your location fall within your plot area, or you will have lines exceeding your plot boundaries and interfering with your titles and color bars and such.  So, putting all of this code together, you get something that looks like this!

    'mfhilo refcclm CL h 'radius', 'cint


    minmax = sublin(result,i)

    while(check = 'H')

      use_lat = subwrd(minmax, 2)
      use_lon = subwrd(minmax, 3)


     if(mag > 35)
      'q w2xy 'use_lon' 'use_lat
      x_min = subwrd(result,3)
      y_min = subwrd(result,6)
      'set line 0'
      'draw mark 3 'x_min' 'y_min' 0.15'

      'set lat 'use_lat
      'set lon 'use_lon

      'set gxout print'
      'd ustm6000_0m'
      'd vstm6000_0m'




       'q w2xy 'use_lon' 'use_lat
       x = subwrd(result,3)
       y = subwrd(result,6)
       'set line 2'

       if(x>subwrd(xs,1) & x < subwrd(xs,2) & y > subwrd(ys,1) & y < subwrd(ys,2))
         'draw mark 3 'x' 'y' 0.075'

          if(x>subwrd(xs,1) & x < subwrd(xs,2) & y > subwrd(ys,1) & y < subwrd(ys,2))
             'draw line 'xmin' 'ymin' 'x' 'y




  minmax = sublin(light_plot,i)


So, that about wraps it up for this tutorial, a few basic notes are listed below, followed by a downloadable example script.  

Notes to remember:
  • The 2nd method is a little more versatile as you do not need information about future time
    • More applicable to current RADAR data as long as you know the wind components
  • Pretty accurate especially for short distances and small timesteps
  • You don't have to use "Storm Motion", 850hPa wind vectors probably work similarly
    • This goes for both methods
  •  Doesn't have to be used for RADAR, that's just the example used here.
  • You can of course get more fancy with this, change colors, add arrows, etc.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and hopefully you find it useful!

Download Example Script Here

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

New Script Version:; new color-scales!

Version 2.1 of has been finished and published here.

This version includes new color scales, including visible satellite, cloud top height, and RADAR reflectivity color scales used by Weather Underground.

Check out more information following the link above, or download the new version directly here:

Download -v2.1

Monday, July 15, 2013

Script:; Easily create scatter plots with regression lines in GrADS

This script not only makes it possible, but easy to plot 2D scatter or line plots in GrADS using user specified arrays. That is, there is no requirement than an outside file be open, and the 'display' command is not needed or used.  Now, for most things, it is probably easier to use matlab, python, idl or even excel to do graphs like these.  However, I can certainly see the advantages of this script if you are accessing large data sets right through the NOMADS data server, or the GrADS data server.

Example usage:

     xarray='1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10'
     yarray='1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10' 
     'scatter -x 'xarray' -y 'yarray

Depending on the options used, your plot will look similar to the one below.

Fig.1: Example Scatter Plot, With regression line and equation

Note: you must include both the -x and -y to specify your arrays, and your arrays must take a form similar to the ones listed above.

There are numerous options to customize your plot, they are listed in the script under "default options at the top."  Additionally, most of these options can be set manually when calling the function.

To find out more about these options, use the help page associated with the script:

    'scatter -help'

The main example I will show here, is basically, taking the time-series surface temperature and the surface RH at a given point, and then making a scatter plot of the two variables.

As always, we will start by opening the file:

Once the file is open, we clear the screen and pick a point and then set gxout to print, since are are just going to populate our arrays with numbers.
      'set lat 40'
      'set lon -90'
      'set gxout print'

Now, we need to start populating our arrays!  This isn't too hard we just set our initial arrays = '' (blank), and then loop through all time steps (65 for GFS) and concatenate as we go, being sure to leave a space between each new array variable.


      'set t 't

      'd tmp2m'
      xarray=xarray' 'tmp

      'd rh2m'

      yarray=yarray' 'tmp1


Now, we have our arrays, so all we need to do is call scatter...

'scatter -x 'xarray' -y 'yarray' -xmin 15 -ymin 50 -ymax 100 -xmax 35 -xpg 1.5 9.5 -ypg 1 7.4 -box'

So, as you can probably see, this call uses several of the options available in the script.

    -xmin: Manually sets minimum x-axis value
    -ymin: Manually sets minimum y-axis value
    -xmax: Manually sets maximum x-axis value
    -ymax: Manually sets maximum y-axis value
    -xpg: Sets page limits in x
    -ypg: Sets page limits in y
    -box: Draws box around plot, instead of two axis as shown in Fig.1.

This will plot something similar to the plot below.  You will be prompted in the script to place the equation, and type in the titles (unless you have default titles set).

Fig.2: Surface Temp vs Relative Humidity, with regression shown
This plot appears more or less as you might expect, RH is inversely proportional to temperature (Think Clausius), and while this relationship isn't physically linear, you still get a decent correlation here.

Remember, You will be prompted to place the equation and your titles, so be sure to read the console as you work with this script!

Lastly, there are several options that exert varying degrees of control over your plot (just a few are listed above), including number of ticks on each axis, font/symbol/line color and style, labels, etc., etc.,  So be sure to bring up the help page to get an idea of how to set different options.  Most of the time, this type of analysis is best left to matlab, or something, if you are used to GrADS, this might cut out having to save data to an outside file just to do this.  Who knows, hopefully you all find it useful!

Remember, this is version 1.0, so bugs are certainly possible, if not likely, please report them here!


Download example script

A Few Updates

This post is not going to contain any new scripts/tutorials or information of that matter.  However, due to the (fairly unexpected) popularity of this site as well as a lack of recent updates I figured it might be worthwhile to provide a few updates.

  • The example scripts in a lot of the tutorials open files from the NOMADS data server, a lot of these scripts will not work now, as the dates used are no longer accessible through NOMADS.  This is easily fixed, simply update the date in the filename to be more recent.  So if you are having trouble with the example scripts, this is why.
  • I am currently working on a couple of new scripts, as well as a new tutorial, so keep a look out for these in the new future. 
  • I am working on updates for the NARR Plotter, as well as a few new color scales or

That is pretty much it for the updates, basically, a few new things coming through the pipe in the next week or so.  And remember, if you have any questions or want to learn how to do something that isn't here, let me know and I will see if I can help!